Heiwa to Ai Reiki ® (HAR)

Heiwa to Ai Reiki ® (HAR) is a system of natural healing created by the Heiwa to Ai Organization (HAO), incorporating knowledge of complementary medicine that is within everybody’s reach.

HAO is an organisation that aims to promote peace, respect for human rights and respect for the environment (including animals, trees, plants, earth, water and air).

HAO supports and promotes all the people and organisations that are working towards a better world without being motivated by profit.

HAO raises awareness within society of the need to help bring about positive change and develop the human values (honesty, respect, solidarity and tolerance, among others) that can give rise to a world without hunger, without poverty, without illiteracy, without academic failure, without war, without violence, without delinquency, without exploitation, without drugs… a world in which animals and nature are respected, and a world in which health is a right that is available to everybody. 

Heiwa to Ai Reiki ® (HAR) has three principal missions: to purify the mind, to free everyone from psychological suffering, and to offer a therapeutic education that is easy and accessible to all.

Reiki Heiwa to Ai (HAR) masters are able to utilise many therapeutic tools, including the following: 

Masterly Hand Positions (MHP): The hands are placed on very specific areas of the body, taking into account the knowledge of energetic anatomy of the Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

Usui Reiki symbols and Heiwa to Ai Reiki symbols

Reflexology: Pressure on very specific areas of the feet and hands.

Acupressure: Pressure on very specific areas of the body in accordance with the criteria of the MTC.

Chi Kung (Qigong)

Auriculotherapy: Stimulation of points on the ear. Needles or the (inkless) nib of a pen may be used for this technique.

Gesture therapy ®: Healing gestures made with the body. They are used to mobilise energy: to make it rise, subside, tone, disperse, stabilise, and so on.

Verb therapy ®: Verbal and mental expressions used for therapeutic purposes. They are used to undo the patterns that have caused an illness.

Psycho-Healing Act ®: A therapeutic act that is explained to the patient once the Reiki session has ended. 


Excerpt from “THE ART OF HEALING, Heiwa to Ai Reiki®”