Verb therapy ®

This technique is based on the fact that everything that exists has the capacity to receive impressions from its surroundings. For example, if you are content, this contentment will have a positive repercussion on your body (on your organs, cells, etc.), on the people around you, on the environment, on your car, on your home and on everything in your world. 

For example, in order to treat circulatory illnesses you can use Verb Therapy® to speak verbally or mentally to the patient’s body, giving it messages such as these: Your heart beats calmly and strongly. Your coronary arteries carry blood to all the corners of your heart. All the arteries fulfil their purpose. The blood circulates and bathes every tissue, every bone, every muscle, every tendon, every nerve, every gland and every cell. The blood circulates and balances everything, filling your body with Light, Energy and Life. Thank you, Divine Light and Energy, here and now manifested in the body of this Being and bringing them perfect health, peace and divine perfection. 

Picture from “THE ART OF HEALING, Heiwa to Ai Reiki®” (Vol. I)